194 lines
6.8 KiB
194 lines
6.8 KiB
import json
import sys
from lib.country import Country
from lib.team import Team
from lib.tools import n2v
if 'lib.match' not in sys.modules:
from lib.match import Match
class Sport:
def __init__(self, idt):
self.id = idt
self.name = None
self.display_sets = None
class Group:
def __init__(self, name, url, league):
self.name = name
self.url = url
self.league = league
class League:
def __init__(self, idt):
self.id = idt
self.name = None
self.bets = None
self.url = None
self.gender = None
self.images = dict()
self.error = ''
self.points = dict()
self.teams = list()
self.matches = list()
self.tags = list()
self.round_dates = None
self.sport = None
self.country = None
def get_teams(self, db):
stmt = """
SELECT league_teams.id_team, teams.name, teams.names, teams.url
FROM league_teams
INNER JOIN teams ON teams.id = league_teams.id_team
WHERE league_teams.id_league = :id_league
args = {'id_league': self.id}
teams = list()
for row in db.query(stmt, args):
team = Team(row['id_team'])
team.name = row['name']
team.names = json.loads(row['names'])
team.url = row['url']
team.league = self
return teams
def get_matches(self, db):
stmt = """
SELECT matches.id, matches.start_date, matches.id_home, matches.id_away, matches.url, matches.mday,
home.name AS home_name, home.names AS home_names,
away.name AS away_name, away.names AS away_names
FROM matches
INNER JOIN teams AS home ON home.id = matches.id_home
INNER JOIN teams AS away ON away.id = matches.id_away
WHERE matches.id_league = :id_league
for row in db.query(stmt, {'id_league': self.id}):
match = Match(idt=row['id'])
match.start_date = row['start_date']
match.url = row['url']
match.mday = row['mday']
match.home = Team(idt=row['id_home'])
match.home.name = row['home_name']
match.home.names = json.loads(row['home_names'])
match.away = Team(idt=row['id_away'])
match.away.name = row['away_name']
match.away.names = json.loads(row['away_names'])
yield match
def update_live_ranking(self, group, db):
stmt = """
SELECT id, rank_live
FROM league_teams
WHERE id_league = :id_league AND `group` = :group
ORDER BY pts_live DESC, diff_live DESC, gf_live DESC
args = {'id_league': self.id, 'group': group}
new_rank = 0
for row in db.query(stmt, args):
new_rank += 1
if new_rank != row['rank_live']:
stmt = """
UPDATE league_teams SET rank_live = :rank WHERE id = :id
args = {'rank': new_rank, 'id': row['id']}
db.exec(stmt, args)
def update_final_ranking(self, group, db):
stmt = """
SELECT id, rank
FROM league_teams
WHERE id_league = :id_league AND `group` = :group
args = {'id_league': self.id, 'group': group}
new_rank = 0
for row in db.query(stmt, args):
new_rank += 1
if new_rank != row['rank']:
stmt = """
UPDATE league_teams SET rank = :rank WHERE id = :id
args = {'rank': new_rank, 'id': row['id']}
db.exec(stmt, args)
def store_images(self, db):
stmt = """
UPDATE leagues
SET images = :images
WHERE id = :id
args = {'images': json.dumps(self.images, separators=(',', ':')), 'id': self.id}
db.exec(stmt, args)
def store_error(self, db):
stmt = """
UPDATE leagues SET error = :error WHERE id = :id
args = {'error': n2v(self.error), 'id': self.id}
db.exec(stmt, args)
def store_round(self, new_round, db):
for row in db.query('SELECT rounds FROM leagues WHERE id = :id', {'id': self.id}):
if new_round not in row['rounds'].split(','):
rounds = '{},{}'.format(row['rounds'], new_round)
db.exec('UPDATE leagues SET rounds = :rounds WHERE id = :id', {'rounds': rounds, 'id': self.id})
def store_groups(self, groups, db):
'UPDATE leagues SET groups = :groups WHERE id = :id',
{'groups': ','.join([group.name for group in groups]), 'id': self.id}
def get_leagues(db, origin=None, id_league=None, with_tags=False):
where_conditions = list()
args = dict()
if origin == 'update_rankings':
where_conditions.append('leagues.url_ranking IS NOT NULL')
elif origin == 'update_schedule':
where_conditions.append('leagues.url_schedule IS NOT NULL')
elif origin == 'update_tvschedule':
where_conditions.append('leagues.url_tvschedule IS NOT NULL')
elif origin == 'create_schedule':
where_conditions.append('leagues.url_schedule IS NOT NULL')
where_conditions.append('leagues.auto_schedule = 1')
if id_league is not None:
where_conditions.append('leagues.id = :id_league')
args['id_league'] = int(id_league)
if with_tags:
where_conditions.append('leagues.tags IS NOT NULL')
where_clause = 'WHERE {}'.format(' AND '.join(where_conditions)) if len(where_conditions) > 0 else ''
stmt = """
SELECT id, name, points, url_schedule, url_ranking, url_tvschedule, images, id_sport, gender, tags, round_dates,
FROM leagues
for row in db.query(stmt, args):
league = League(row['id'])
league.name = row['name']
league.points = json.loads(row['points'])
league.images = json.loads(row['images'])
league.sport = Sport(idt=row['id_sport'])
league.gender = row['gender']
league.tags = json.loads(row['tags'])
league.round_dates = json.loads(row['round_dates']) if row['round_dates'] is not None else None
league.country = Country(idt=row['id_country'])
if origin == 'update_rankings':
league.url = row['url_ranking']
elif origin in ('update_schedule', 'create_schedule'):
league.url = row['url_schedule']
elif origin == 'update_tvschedule':
league.url = row['url_tvschedule']
yield league