from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from providers.base import BaseProvider class Footao(BaseProvider): DOMAINS = {''} CHARSET = 'utf-8' @classmethod def get_tvschedule(cls, league, tv_channels, data): html = data.decode(cls.CHARSET) soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') for div in soup.find_all('div'): a = div.find('a', class_='rc') if a is not None and ' · ' in a.text: home, away = a.text.split(' · ') for match in league.matches: if match.home.names.get('footao') == home and match.away.names.get('footao') == away: for img in div.find_all('img'): tvc_name = img['alt'].replace('programme foot', '').split('tv direct')[0].strip() for tv_channel in tv_channels: if tv_channel.names.get('footao') == tvc_name: match.tv_channels.append(tv_channel) break