612 lines
25 KiB
612 lines
25 KiB
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import math
import json
import sys
from lib.tools import real_round, url_sanitize, unity, n2v
from lib.team import Team
if 'lib.league' not in sys.modules:
from lib.league import League, Sport
if 'lib.user' not in sys.modules:
from lib.user import User
class Scheduler:
def __init__(self, url, recursive_id=0):
self.url = url
self.recursive_id = recursive_id
self.matches = list()
self.previous_url = None
self.next_url = None
class Event:
def __init__(self, type_):
self.type = type_
self.side = None
self.minute = None
self.player = None
class Squad:
def __init__(self, role=None, side=None, name=None):
self.role = role
self.side = side
self.name = name
self.lastname = None
self.events = list()
class Stat:
def __init__(self, home=0, away=0):
self.home = home
self.away = away
class Comm:
def __init__(self, minute=None, type_=None, text=None):
self.type = type_
self.text = text
self.minute = minute
class Match:
OVER = 4
def __init__(self, idt):
self.id = idt
self.idof10 = 0
self.idof4 = 0
self.id_month = 0
self.mday = 0
self.round = None
self.leg = 0
self.status = 0
self.start_date = None
self.new_start_date = None
self.end_date = None
self.minute = ''
self.extra_time = ''
self.error = None
self.task_done = False
self.tv_channels = list()
self.json_parser = False
self.score_home = 0
self.score_away = 0
self.score_sets = dict()
self.shootout_home = 0
self.shootout_away = 0
self.winner = None
self.url = None
self.url_score = None
self.url_comms = None
self.new_url = None
self.coeffs = dict()
self.events = list()
self.squad = list()
self.stats = dict()
self.comms = list()
self.last_event = None
self.last_event_date = None
self.home = None
self.away = None
self.league = None
self.sport = None
def set_winner(self):
self.winner = None
if self.sport.id == 2:
if self.score_sets['home'] and self.score_sets['away']:
if self.score_sets['home'][-1] == 'A':
self.winner = 'away'
elif self.score_sets['away'][-1] == 'A':
self.winner = 'home'
elif int(self.score_sets['home'][-1]) > int(self.score_sets['away'][-1]):
self.winner = 'home'
elif int(self.score_sets['home'][-1]) < int(self.score_sets['away'][-1]):
self.winner = 'away'
elif int(self.score_sets['home'][-1]) == int(self.score_sets['away'][-1]):
self.winner = 'tie'
elif self.score_sets['home'] and self.score_sets['home'][-1] == 'A':
self.winner = 'away'
elif self.score_sets['away'] and self.score_sets['away'][-1] == 'A':
self.winner = 'home'
if self.score_home > self.score_away:
self.winner = 'home'
elif self.score_home < self.score_away:
self.winner = 'away'
elif self.shootout_home > self.shootout_away:
self.winner = 'home'
elif self.shootout_home < self.shootout_away:
self.winner = 'away'
self.winner = 'tie'
def get_new_status(self):
# tennis case
if self.sport.id == 2:
if not self.minute:
self.status = 0
self.minute = ''
elif 'terminé' in self.minute.lower() or 'ab.' in self.minute.lower():
self.status = 4
self.minute = 'FINI'
elif 'commencé' in self.minute.lower():
self.status = 1
self.minute = 'LIVE'
self.minute = ''
# match has not started
elif 'envoi' in self.minute or not self.minute:
self.status = self.COMING
self.minute = ''
# match in half time
elif 'mi-temps' in self.minute:
self.status = self.HALF_TIME
self.minute = 'MT'
# match is finished
elif 'terminé' in self.minute:
nb_scorers_home = 0
nb_scorers_away = 0
for event in self.events:
if event.type == 'goal':
if event.side == 'home':
nb_scorers_home += 1
nb_scorers_away += 1
if self.end_date is None or datetime.now() - self.end_date < timedelta(minutes=30):
self.status = self.WAITING_SCORERS
self.end_date = datetime.now()
self.status = self.OVER
self.minute = 'FINI'
# match is in extra time
elif 'prolongation' in self.minute:
self.status = self.ET_FIRST_TIME
self.extra_time = 'extratime'
self.minute = 'PROL'
# match is in shootout
elif 'tirs au but' in self.minute:
self.status = self.SHOOTOUT
self.extra_time = 'shootout'
self.minute = 'TAB'
# match is postponed
elif any([word in self.minute for word in ('reporté', 'suspendu')]):
self.status = self.POSTPONED
self.minute = 'REP'
# match is cancelled
elif 'annulé' in self.minute:
self.status = self.CANCELLED
self.minute = 'ANN'
# match is in progress
if self.status == self.COMING:
self.status = self.FIRST_TIME
elif self.status == self.HALF_TIME or datetime.now() - self.start_date > timedelta(hours=1):
self.status = self.SECOND_TIME
minute = self.minute.rstrip("'")
if minute.isnumeric():
if self.status == self.FIRST_TIME and int(minute) > 45:
self.minute = "45'+{}".format(int(minute) - 45)
elif self.status == self.SECOND_TIME and int(minute) > 90:
self.minute = "90'+{}".format(int(minute) - 90)
self.minute = ''
def get_users_league_bets(self, db):
stmt = """
SELECT id_month, id_league, mday
FROM bets
WHERE league_id = :id_league AND league_mday = :mday AND open = 1
args = {'id_league': self.league.id, 'mday': self.mday, 'league_mday': self.mday}
for res in db.query(stmt, args):
self.id_month = res['id_month']
stmt = """
SELECT id, id_team, league_bets_{}
FROM users_month
WHERE id_league = :id_league AND id_month = :id_month
args = {'id_league': res['id_league'], 'id_month': res['id_month']}
for row in db.query(stmt, args):
yield row['id'], row['id_team'], res['mday'], row['league_bets_{}'.format(res['mday'])]
def get_users_europe_bets(self, db):
stmt = """
SELECT id_month, europe_round, europe_matches
FROM bets
WHERE europe_matches REGEXP :id_match AND open = 1
args = {'id_match': '(^{id},|,{id},|,{id}$)'.format(id=self.id)}
for res in db.query(stmt, args):
id_ = 0
for id_match in res['europe_matches'].split(','):
if int(id_match) == self.id:
self.idof4 = id_
id_ += 1
self.id_month = res['id_month']
europe_round = res['europe_round']
stmt = """
SELECT id, europe_scores_{}, europe_scorers_{}
FROM users_month
WHERE id_month = :id_month AND europe_round = :round
""".format(europe_round, europe_round)
args = {'id_month': res['id_month'], 'round': europe_round}
for row in db.query(stmt, args):
bet_scores = json.loads(row['europe_scores_{}'.format(europe_round)])
bet_scorers = json.loads(row['europe_scorers_{}'.format(europe_round)])
yield row['id'], res['europe_round'], bet_scores, bet_scorers
def update_coeffs(self, db):
numbers = {'total': 0, 'home': 0, 'tie': 0, 'away': 0}
for id_, id_team, bet_mday, bets in self.get_users_league_bets(db):
bet = bets[self.idof10]
numbers['total'] += 1
if bet == '1':
numbers['home'] += 1
elif bet == 'X':
numbers['tie'] += 1
elif bet == '2':
numbers['away'] += 1
numbers['total'] -= 1
if numbers['total'] > 0:
self.coeffs['home'] = real_round(1 + numbers['total'] * math.sin(math.pi / (4 * (1 + numbers['home']))), 1)
self.coeffs['tie'] = real_round(1 + numbers['total'] * math.sin(math.pi / (4 * (1 + numbers['tie']))), 1)
self.coeffs['away'] = real_round(1 + numbers['total'] * math.sin(math.pi / (4 * (1 + numbers['away']))), 1)
def update_users_league(self, db):
# check if bets are active
if not self.league.bets or self.coeffs['home'] == 0:
return None
for id_, id_team, bet_mday, bets in self.get_users_league_bets(db):
user = User(idt=id_)
bet = bets[self.idof10]
own_team = 0
points = 0
if self.home.id == id_team or self.away.id == id_team:
own_team = 1
if bet == '1' and self.score_home > self.score_away:
points = (1 + own_team) * self.coeffs['home']
elif bet == 'X' and self.score_home == self.score_away:
points = (1 + own_team) * self.coeffs['tie']
elif bet == '2' and self.score_home < self.score_away:
points = (1 + own_team) * self.coeffs['away']
if points > 0:
user.set_league_points(bet_mday, points, db)
def update_users_league_ranking(self, db):
stmt = """
FROM matches
WHERE id_league = :id_league AND mday = :mday AND status = :over
args = {'id_league': self.league.id, 'mday': self.mday, 'over': self.OVER}
for res in db.query(stmt, args):
stmt = """
SELECT users_month.id, users_month.league_rank, users_month.id_league
FROM users_month
INNER JOIN bets ON bets.id_league = users_month.id_league AND bets.id_month = users_month.id_month
WHERE bets.league_id = :id_league AND bets.league_mday = :mday AND bets.open = 1
AND users_month.id_month = :id_month
ORDER BY users_month.league_points_total DESC
args = {'id_league': self.league.id, 'mday': self.mday, 'id_month': self.id_month}
ranking = dict()
for row in db.query(stmt, args):
if row['id_league'] in ranking:
ranking[row['id_league']] += 1
ranking[row['id_league']] = 1
new_rank = ranking[row['id_league']]
if res['COUNT(*)'] == 0:
'UPDATE users_month SET league_rank = :rank, league_rank_old = :rank_old WHERE id = :id',
{'rank': new_rank, 'rank_old': row['league_rank'], 'id': row['id']}
elif new_rank != row['league_rank']:
'UPDATE users_month SET league_rank = :rank WHERE id = :id',
{'rank': new_rank, 'id': row['id']}
def update_users_europe(self, db):
match_scorers = {'home': list(), 'away': list()}
for side in ('home', 'away'):
for event in self.events:
if event.type == 'goal' and event.side == side:
exp_scorer = event.player.split(' ')
last_word = url_sanitize(exp_scorer[-1])
if last_word == '-csc-':
last_word = 'csc'
elif last_word == '-p-':
last_word = url_sanitize(exp_scorer[-2])
for id_, europe_round, bet_scores, bet_scorers in self.get_users_europe_bets(db):
user = User(idt=id_)
if bet_scores[self.idof4]['home'] is None or bet_scores[self.idof4]['away'] is None:
points = 0
if bet_scores[self.idof4]['home'] == self.score_home and bet_scores[self.idof4]['away'] == self.score_away:
points += 5
elif unity(bet_scores[self.idof4]['home'] - bet_scores[self.idof4]['away']) == \
unity(self.score_home - self.score_away):
points += 2
if bet_scores[self.idof4]['home'] + bet_scores[self.idof4]['away'] > 0:
scorer_points = 0
tmp_scorers = {'home': match_scorers['home'][:], 'away': match_scorers['away'][:]}
for side in ('home', 'away'):
bet_scorers_side = bet_scorers[self.idof4][side]
if isinstance(bet_scorers_side, dict):
bet_scorers_side = list(bet_scorers_side.values())
for bet_scorer in bet_scorers_side[:bet_scores[self.idof4][side]]:
for tmp_scorer in tmp_scorers[side]:
if url_sanitize(tmp_scorer) in url_sanitize(bet_scorer):
scorer_points += 1
points += real_round(scorer_points/(bet_scores[self.idof4]['home'] + bet_scores[self.idof4]['away']), 1)
if points > 0:
user.set_europe_points(europe_round, points, db)
def update_teams_ranking(self, db):
# if no mday then no ranking to update
if self.mday == 0:
return None
# set home and away stats
self.home.played = 1
self.away.played = 1
if self.score_home > self.score_away:
self.home.points = self.league.points['winner']
self.away.points = self.league.points['loser']
self.home.wins = 1
self.away.loss = 1
elif self.score_away > self.score_home:
self.home.points = self.league.points['loser']
self.away.points = self.league.points['winner']
self.home.loss = 1
self.away.wins = 1
self.home.points = self.league.points['tie']
self.away.points = self.league.points['tie']
self.home.ties = 1
self.away.ties = 1
self.home.g_for = self.score_home
self.home.g_against = self.score_away
self.home.g_diff = self.score_home - self.score_away
self.away.g_for = self.score_away
self.away.g_against = self.score_home
self.away.g_diff = self.score_away - self.score_home
# if match is postponed then reset live stats
if self.status == self.POSTPONED:
# else update stats
# in all cases update live stats
self.league.update_live_ranking(self.home.group, db)
if self.away.group != self.home.group:
self.league.update_live_ranking(self.away.group, db)
# if match is finished then update final stats
if self.status in (self.OVER, self.WAITING_SCORERS):
self.league.update_final_ranking(self.home.group, db)
if self.away.group != self.home.group:
self.league.update_final_ranking(self.away.group, db)
def store(self, db):
stmt = """
(idof10, id_league, mday, round, leg, id_home, id_away, start_date,
url, url_score, url_comms, comms)
(:idof10, :id_league, :mday, :round, :leg, :id_home, :id_away, :start_date,
:url, :url_score, :url_comms, '[]')
args = {
'idof10': self.idof10, 'id_league': self.league.id, 'mday': self.mday,
'round': n2v(self.round), 'leg': self.leg, 'id_home': self.home.id,
'id_away': self.away.id, 'start_date': self.start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'url': self.url,
'url_score': self.url_score, 'url_comms': self.url_comms
self.id = db.exec(stmt, args)
def store_score(self, db):
stmt = """
UPDATE matches
SET start_date = :start_date, score_home = :score_home, score_away = :score_away, minute = :minute,
extra_time = :extra_time, shootout_home = :shootout_home, shootout_away = :shootout_away, events = :events,
squad = :squad, status = :status, error = NULL, score_sets = :score_sets, winner = :winner, stats = :stats,
comms = :comms {last_event}
WHERE id = :id
args = {
'start_date': self.start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'score_home': self.score_home,
'score_away': self.score_away, 'minute': self.minute, 'extra_time': self.extra_time,
'shootout_home': self.shootout_home, 'shootout_away': self.shootout_away,
'events': json.dumps([event.__dict__ for event in self.events], separators=(',', ':')),
'squad': json.dumps([squad.__dict__ for squad in self.squad], separators=(',', ':')),
'status': self.status, 'id': self.id, 'score_sets': json.dumps(self.score_sets, separators=(',', ':')),
'winner': n2v(self.winner),
'stats': json.dumps({key: stat.__dict__ for key, stat in self.stats.items()}, separators=(',', ':')),
'comms': json.dumps([comm.__dict__ for comm in self.comms], separators=(',', ':'))
if self.last_event is not None:
stmt = stmt.format(last_event=', last_event = :last_event, last_event_date = NOW()')
args['last_event'] = json.dumps(self.last_event.__dict__, separators=(',', ':'))
stmt = stmt.format(last_event='')
db.exec(stmt, args)
def store_comms(self, db):
'UPDATE matches SET comms = :comms WHERE id = :id',
{'comms': json.dumps([comm.__dict__ for comm in self.comms], separators=(',', ':')), 'id': self.id}
def store_url(self, db):
'UPDATE matches SET url = :url, status = :status WHERE id = :id',
{'url': self.url, 'status': self.COMING, 'id': self.id}
def store_start_date(self, db):
'UPDATE matches SET start_date = :start_date, status = :status WHERE id = :id',
{'start_date': self.start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'status': self.COMING, 'id': self.id}
def store_end_date(self, db):
'UPDATE matches SET end_date = :end_date, status = :status WHERE id = :id',
{'end_date': self.end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'status': self.WAITING_SCORERS, 'id': self.id}
def store_coeffs(self, db):
'UPDATE matches SET coeffs = :coeffs WHERE id = :id',
{'coeffs': json.dumps(self.coeffs, separators=(',', ':')), 'id': self.id}
def store_error(self, db):
'UPDATE matches SET error = :error WHERE id = :id',
{'error': self.error, 'id': self.id}
def store_minute(self, db):
'UPDATE matches SET status = :status, minute = :minute WHERE id = :id',
{'status': self.status, 'minute': self.minute, 'id': self.id}
def store_tvchannels(self, db):
if self.tv_channels:
'UPDATE matches SET tv_channels = :tv_channels WHERE id = :id',
{'tv_channels': ','.join([str(tv_channel.id) for tv_channel in self.tv_channels]), 'id': self.id}
'UPDATE matches SET tv_channels = NULL WHERE id = :id',
{'id': self.id}
def get_matches(cls, db, origin=None, interval_hour=2, interval_day=14, id_match=None, id_league=None):
where_conditions = list()
if origin == 'update_scores':
where_conditions.append('matches.status NOT IN ({}, {})'.format(cls.OVER, cls.CANCELLED))
where_conditions.append('matches.start_date <= NOW() + INTERVAL {} HOUR'.format(interval_hour))
elif origin == 'update_schedule':
where_conditions.append('matches.status IN ({}, {})'.format(cls.COMING, cls.POSTPONED))
where_conditions.append('matches.start_date <= NOW() + INTERVAL {} DAY'.format(interval_day))
where_conditions.append('leagues.auto_schedule = 0')
elif origin == 'update_tvschedule':
where_conditions.append('matches.status = {}'.format(cls.COMING))
where_conditions.append('matches.start_date <= NOW() + INTERVAL {} DAY'.format(interval_day))
if id_match is not None:
where_conditions.append('matches.id = {}'.format(int(id_match)))
if id_league is not None:
where_conditions.append('matches.id_league = {}'.format(int(id_league)))
where_clause = ''
if len(where_conditions) > 0:
where_clause = 'WHERE {}'.format(' AND '.join(where_conditions))
stmt = """
matches.id, matches.idof10, matches.id_league, matches.id_home, matches.id_away, matches.mday, matches.url,
matches.status, matches.events, matches.squad, matches.coeffs, matches.start_date, matches.end_date,
matches.url_score, matches.url_comms,
home.name AS home_name, home.names AS home_names,
away.name AS away_name, away.names AS away_names,
leagues.name AS league_name, leagues.id_sport, leagues.bets, leagues.points,
leagues.url_schedule AS league_url,
home_lt.group AS home_group,
away_lt.group AS away_group,
sports.name AS sport_name, sports.display_sets
FROM matches
INNER JOIN teams AS home ON home.id = matches.id_home
INNER JOIN teams AS away ON away.id = matches.id_away
INNER JOIN leagues ON leagues.id = matches.id_league
INNER JOIN league_teams AS home_lt ON home_lt.id_league = leagues.id AND home_lt.id_team = home.id
INNER JOIN league_teams AS away_lt ON away_lt.id_league = leagues.id AND away_lt.id_team = away.id
INNER JOIN sports ON sports.id = leagues.id_sport
for row in db.query(stmt):
match = Match(idt=row['id'])
match.idof10 = row['idof10']
match.start_date = row['start_date']
match.end_date = row['end_date']
match.mday = row['mday']
match.status = row['status']
match.url = row['url']
match.url_score = row['url_score']
match.url_comms = row['url_comms']
match.coeffs = json.loads(row['coeffs'])
match.events = json.loads(row['events'])
match.squad = json.loads(row['squad'])
match.league = League(idt=row['id_league'])
match.league.name = row['league_name']
match.league.bets = bool(row['bets'])
match.league.url = row['league_url']
match.league.points = json.loads(row['points'])
match.home = Team(idt=row['id_home'])
match.home.name = row['home_name']
match.home.names = json.loads(row['home_names'])
match.home.group = row['home_group']
match.home.league = match.league
match.away = Team(idt=row['id_away'])
match.away.name = row['away_name']
match.away.names = json.loads(row['away_names'])
match.away.group = row['away_group']
match.away.league = match.league
match.sport = Sport(idt=row['id_sport'])
match.sport.name = row['sport_name']
match.sport.display_sets = bool(row['display_sets'])
yield match