## 1- INTRODUCTION Scraper is a project made in Golang to scrap different types of data about sports, such as : - all news about sports - schedules and scores [coming soon] - team staff [coming soon] - details about players [coming soon] - tv schedule [coming soon] For that, different technologies have been used : - `Golang` (with `go routines`, `goquery`, `gofeed`, `net/proxy`) - `PostgreSQL` (used to store data) - `InfluxDB` (used to store details about each program execution) [coming soon] Several websites are stored in order to gather different types of data : - eurosport.fr - rugbyrama.fr - fftt.com - footao.tv [coming soon] - football.fr [coming soon] - football365.fr [coming soon] - football-direct.com [coming soon] - footmercato.net - lequipe.fr - matchendirect.fr [coming soon] - programme-television.org [coming soon] - transfermarkt.fr [coming soon] All these data are collected in nonprofit purpose for `1bet.fr`, a website made for free sports predictions between friends. I decline any responsibility about your eventual usages of this project. ## 2- DEPLOYMENT The deployment is very simple as the binary `scraper` can be used directly. A PostgresSQL database is needed for this program, as well as some environment variables, all clearly listed in `postgres.go`.